Wednesday 24 November 2010

Eric Cantona 7th Dec

Dec 7th with Eric Cantona is a great idea and its great that everyone is catching on. It's an idea I was hoping to spread in 2009. Now the world is understanding this power we wield as consumers,we need to use it carefully. We don't want to destroy the banks we want to maim them. Teach them a lesson and at the same time start rebalancing the relationship between them and us, between corporations and consumers or a consumer union. We need to withdraw our money unless....... What do we feel needs to be rebalanced? Would it not be nice to not be charged 30 pounds for receiving a letter. Why not just 1 pound, it can't cost that much? Or at the other end of the scale asking for all fines to be refunded to all clients that are involved, for the last 30 years? A more clear and effective complaints system that is independent and fines the bank in small amounts in favour to the client who has been wronged?

I am not going to be the sole decision maker so why do we not ask for suggestions and do a new poll? Lets act on December the 7th but act smartly to our advantage.

Please write suggestions and please vote.

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